Geo Magic Brown (BC-101) Circle Lens Review

I ordered my first circle lenses from recently and have been hooked ever since! Circle lenses are super popular in Asia and I just couldn't wait to try them out myself! In countries like Korea, picking out your circle lenses for the day is like picking out which necklace you should wear with your outfit. People are obsessed with the innocent "dolly" eye look that circle lenses are able to give you. 

I wanted circle lenses that were natural enough to enhance my eyes without making me look like a weird anime character. Anime characters are meant to be animated for a reason folks... seeing eyes that large in real life would just trip me out! The Geo Magic Brown Lens was exactly what I was looking for! 

The lens are a beautiful brown colour that blends well with my medium brown eyes. Asians usually have pretty dark eyes and I have repeatedly been told that my eyes are significantly lighter (more brown) than most Asian's eyes. Circle lenses usually have an outer rim on them to act as a border to the iris; this creates a more prominent enlarging effect, but these don't have an outer rim which makes it much less noticeable.  The lens have a lot of clear sections on them so much of your actual eye is seen while wearing these. As you can see in the photo above, the enlargement effect is quite noticeable but because the colour and design blends so well, it makes it will make it difficult for other to point out why you look "different" today without taking a close up look at you. That being said, people will notice if they look at you directly in the eye whilst having a conversation with you so don't think you can get away with the whole "oh I just had a good night sleep" when they mention that you look more awake! 

These lens are generally very comfortable but still not as comfortable as your regular clear prescription contacts. I noticed that these contacts are thicker than regular contacts and they also feel sturdier. If you do not wear contacts regularly you may experience discomfort for the first week or so but your eyes will get used to them. Make sure you lens are not inside out because it can really hurt like a motherfucker a lot! I notice that when I strain my eyes while wearing the contacts, my vision becomes slightly blurry and uncomfortable but I usually just have to look outside for the discomfort to go away. I have tried the Princess Mimi Almond Brown Contacts before and they are much more comfortable the the Magic Brown but those are really large and borderline creepy on my eyes. I personally have extremely dry eyes and these did get fairly dry throughout the day. I can make do without eyedrops for 8 hours but I personally prefer that I do have eyedrops on me to keep my eyes moist. I think for most people you could most likely get away with no eye drops at all. 

  • Overall rating: 3.5/5
  • Recommend to a friend: Yes
  • Buy again: Yes
xxx Jenny


  1. aren't you on fckyeahulzzang's instagram account?

  2. i don't think so?? I don't even know of that account lol but as far as I know I'm not by any means an ulzzang :s

  3. Well hello gorgeous;-)

  4. Hello! I really like these circle lenses *Q* they look so natural and cute! I really wanna buy them so I can be as kawaii as you haha >u<
    Can you check out my blog? <3

    1. Ahahahaha, yes of course I will check out your blog!

  5. It looks good on you ^.^
    Following you, maybe follow me back and join my two giveaways ?
    much love,
    Nhi (:

  6. You're so gorgeous!! What nationality are you? <3

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Aww thank you! I'm Chinese Canadian :)

  7. Those lenses look really nice on you. They really enhance and look really natural.
    Thanks for the review. Been wanting to try circle lenses. Might just pick these up!

    1. Yes, thank you! You really should try them out! If they are you first pair of contacts like ever (clear or circle) you may feel discomfort with these. The Neo Vision are better for beginners :). If not, then yes of course I'm happy I was able to help with someone's decision <3

  8. Looks really nice on you! I just got my first pair recently too, and I love it. If you like natural looking ones you should try GEO honey wing :)
    Circle lenses really makes a big difference especially in pictures, but I don't usually wear them out because I'm too lazy to put on eye make up to balance the look lol >.<

    1. Hmm Geo Honey Wing; I will look into that for sure! I love how they circle lenses look in pictures too! I agree that a lot of time it does become a hassle to balance out the look with makeup but when I'm wearing natural lenses like these I don't find that I have to do so! When I'm wearing lenses with an outer rim and a higher diameter I tend to feel like a creepy doll :s

    2. I feel the same!
      btw I nominated you for the Liebster award! ^^ check it out:

    3. thank you!! :)) oh my gosh its great to be nominated for this! The liebster awards are such a good idea for new bloggers :) I truly appreciate it :)

  9. Ahh BC-101s! These were my very first brown circle lens many years ago, so I always recommended them to friends who wanted to get started on circle lens but still maintain a more natural look. They look lovely on you! I'm actually a giant fan of the Princess Mimi Almond Browns but I can see how they may look too much with the black outer ring haha =)

  10. Sorry but now that I tried many shops I really prefer products from Solution-lens as they only have genuine items and they offer 1 free pair for every order of 2 pairs, I
    loooove them so much hahaha !!

  11. Do these look natural without makeup? I want a slight enlarging effect for my eyes, but I don't want it too big because I won't have makeup on hand in the morning to balance it out during classes x)

    1. Yes, they still looks really natural with no makeup on! I always wear these lenses when I don't feel like wearing any makeup or I don't have enough time in the morning; these give my face a very nice wake me up!

    2. Thank you so much, I think I'll give these lenses a try! (:

  12. “You can be gorgeous at thirty, charmimg at forty, and irresistible for the rest of your life.”
    ― Coco Chanel

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    If you need additional beauty ideas that enhance your eyes, making them brilliantly bright and beautiful, you may want to check out for more exciting brand colored circle lenses.

    Enjoy and stay pretty :)


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