They're my boyfriend's

Meet my sisters. I'm the one holding the bike because I don't know how to ride one which makes it funny. Ha. 
It was my sister's birthday hence this delicious dinner that I took a bunch of picture of! 
mmmmmm I like it medium rare
American Apparel White V-Neck, Boyfriend Jeans from Levis, Wedges from Honk Kong

Boyfriend jeans and a basic white tee are so harmonious together. I'm a big fan of the half-tuck look because it can just instantly change the feel to a look so simply! 

Although I love boyfriend jeans, they aren't very flattering on me. They make my short legs look even shorter and stubbier. That's why a pair of heels/wedges are essential for me while wearing these jeans. 

It was my sister's birthday dinner last night and we indulged on a delicious steak dinner! I haven't had a meal this delicious in a really long time because generally try to eat relatively clean and at home, but a little red meat once in a while won't hurt anybody. mmmmm 

xxx Jenny 


  1. You and your sisters all look gorgeous! :) and the fooooood omg yummmmm!

  2. I dont know how to ride a bike either.. Haha! The food makes me hungry ;-;

    1. oh my gosh really!! I always get teased about not knowing how to. i always see couples go on little like bike ride dates... and I'm **merp** never gonna happen

  3. You guys look beautiful! By the way, where are you from? The street on the picture of you and your sisters looks amazing! xx

  4. I love bfjeans they are so comfy yet chic :)
    Cool look!

    1. Yes I love them too! I like the effortless look that they give! Thanks :)


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